Title: Skyscraper
Author: James Smith (me)
License: Creative Commons
Recently, cynthia posted a comment to an old entry on Japanese Puzzles asking,
do you know, where i can found the printable version for japanese puzzle?As It happens I have been working on a set of skyscraper puzzles. For reasons I do not understand, I really like these puzzles, but they are hard to find. So, I wrote a program to generate them. The program produced a TeX document which resulted in the pdf document linked to above. You can download it and print it out.
In a skyscraper puzzle, you have to fill each square with an integer from 1 to n where n is the size of the puzzle. No number many appear twice in any row or column. The numbers along the edge of the puzzle give additional constraints. They indicate the number of buildings which you would see from that direction if the row or column was converted in a series of skyscrapers with heights equal to the entries. For example, consider the row 1, 4, 5, 2, 3.

There are 100 puzzles ranging from 4 by 4 to 7 by 7. I have assigned a one, two, or three star difficulty to each. This is only a rough guide. Have fun.
To further answer cynthia's question, the site provides printable puzzles for several puzzle types:
That should be enough for most people.
I tried hard, but I cannot understand this puzzle, and I do like these kinds of puzzles, but I never heard of this one. Is there another explanation somewhere. I can't understand how the solved puzzles clues relate to the numbers in the grid.
I'm sorry I didn't do a good job explaining the puzzle. Here is a link which might help.
Go about half way down the page and there is a nice description of skyscraper puzzles.
Is the link broken? I am having trouble getting to these puzzles
Some time ago, I have been offered a flash implementation of the puzzle by a Russian developer. While waiting for a delivery, I wrote one in Java. It is available at
Hey!!!! I do you know what is my favorite game??? yes!!1 Sudoku is my favorite, I play it every time , in my cellphone,MP4 and in my computer!of course in the magazines and newspaper Number puzzles appeared in newspapers in the late 19th century, when French puzzle setters began experimenting with removing numbers from magic squares. !!!222dd
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